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Device Information

The screen provides an overview of important information about the selected Measurement Point (MP) along with several functional buttons for modifying the information.

The application displays the overview after successfully selecting the Measurement Point (MP).

The application retrieves values from the cloud, eliminating the need for the user to connect to the device using Bluetooth.

Information Display

First part of MP information display

  • Device Name (1)
  • Device Type (2)
  • Bluetooth Device Name (3)
  • Bluetooth Password (4)
  • Device Status (5)
  • Battery Status (6)
    • displayed in percentage
  • Humidity (7)
    • measured humidity from the device's "box"
  • Temperature (8)
    • measured temperature from the device's "box"

Second part of MP information display

  • Version of the currently loaded firmware (9)
  • Date of the last firmware update (10)
  • Device Serial Number (11)
  • Description of the Measurement Point (12)
  • Button to change the description of the Measurement Point (13)

Third part of MP information display

  • Number of images uploaded for the Measurement Point (14)
    • photos depicting the physical location of the device, its surroundings, construction documentation, etc.
  • Button for uploading images (15)
    • can upload from the gallery or take a photo at the moment using the camera
  • Latitude/Longitude (16)
    • coordinates of the location where the MP is located
    • clicking opens a navigation app - location is displayed on the map
  • Button to change the location of the MP (17)
    • the new location is determined by the phone's position at the time of change or the last saved phone location
  • Date when the Measurement Point was added (18)
  • Date when the Measurement Point was last updated (19)

Changing MP Information

The application offers the option to change three values of the Measurement Point - description, photos, and location.

Changing Description

After clicking on the "Edit Description" button, a dialog box with a text field will appear, allowing the user to enter a new description.

Dialog box for changing the description

The change in description is reflected immediately in the displayed MP overview.

Adding Photos

Each Measurement Point (MP) can have assigned photos - photos of the device, the place where it is installed, documents, etc.

After clicking on the "Upload Images" button, a dialog box will appear.

Filled dialog for uploading images

Changing Location

Sets the location of the MP according to the current position of the phone.

For accurate positioning, the "Location" function is required - it can be turned on in the phone settings. If not, the application will use the last saved location (which may significantly differ from the current location of the phone).

After clicking on the "Edit MP Location" button, a confirmatory dialog for changing the MP location will appear.

Dialog for changing the MP location

Action Buttons

Action buttons on the Device Information screen

  • Button to connect to the device via Bluetooth (1)
  • Button to view measurements for the last day (2)
    • clicking opens a dialog

Connect via Bluetooth

After clicking on the "Connect via Bluetooth" button, the connection process begins:

  1. The application attempts to find the MP in your vicinity and then connect to it.
  2. After a successful connection, the application redirects to the "Device Control" screen

View Measurements for the Last Day

Measurement data is obtained from the cloud.

After clicking on the "View Measurements for the Last Day button, a dialog for selecting the data type to display will appear.

Dialog for selecting the data type the user wants to display data for

(list of data types for measured data)

After selecting the data type, a screen with a list of measuring channels will appear.

Each can be clicked on to display a graph with measured values.

Data Type – AccelerometerData Type – Inclinometer
Graph with Device data typeGraph with Unit data type

Detailed guide on handling graphs...

The "Device Information" screen serves as the starting point for managing Measurement Points - it contains a clear list of all important device information along with graphs of measured values (data from the last 24 hours).

Next, we will delve into detailed analysis of Bluetooth communication with devices, options for their control, and measurements.